Saturday, December 31, 2011

Bring on 2012

I'm so ready for a new year! I've been very busy over the past few weeks. Have lots of new designs in my collection to share with you. Most of these have been given as Christmas gifts this year.
These are a collaborated effort made for a friend. And she loved them. :)
Love these earrings. They are called Fuchsia Fusion. (Will be listed on Etsy) And the necklace below it was made for a very special person as well.
 The following two designs below were made by a friend of mine who came over to keep me company (and motivated). I let him play with some of my beads to see what he would come up with and he did an awesome job! Thanks Mike!! :)
This one is called "Outer Galaxy" (To be listed on Etsy)
"Imperial Dragon" (Either Etsy or a going to a local shop, I'll keep you posted).
 And of course there are some bookmarks that were requested that I made for some of the teachers presents. 
There have been packages arriving, containing beautiful glass beads. I'm super motivated and will be making more jewelry in the coming weeks. Bring on 2012. I'm so ready to get back to business! 
Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


This year has been such an eye opener for me, in many ways. I can't apologize for my lack of sharing, well I can, but it's more productive to just pick up where I left off and go from there. I will say that I have not one regret about spending time with my kids. I feel like I would have missed out on so much, if I had to go back and make a change. Being a mom is my first job, but I have to tell you I do miss my designing!
I feel like I have this little critter on my shoulder, pinching me, trying to get me to focus and it's been there for months. Well, he must have pinched hard enough, because yesterday, I felt the itch! I sat down and bought some glass. I love Etsy, all my favorite glass artists sell there, and I can easily get my hands on what I need and get it in a hurry. I needed the fix, because I can't tell you how happy it made me to shop! 
I'm even more excited to get them in my hands and no matter what, I'm not going to let them sit. 
I felt a spark when I ordered this from Jen Cameron the other day:
 This is my favorite style that she makes, and I have it on my desk now. Just holding it inspires me.
But I needed more. So here's more of my shopping from yesterday:
I also got a couple things on Artfire. 
I don't normally post what I purchase to design with. But seeing the pictures here is a reminder that I made a promise to these beautiful beads that they would be used to their full potential. And I made a promise to myself, to make the time to create and enjoy my passion. The next pictures I show will hopefully be of what these have been designed into.
So stay tuned. :)
It's time... to make the time to do what I love.